Sunday, June 10, 2012

its over. that's all i can say.

i'm no longer using this blog, k thanks.

Friday, September 24, 2010


alhamdullilah, first week of college was over. it was good except for law. my god law atu ah, bari mengantuk eh. i've known some new friends at last. especially, durang anif *si mata sipit, haha cute :p , lyah, alia, nur, nora, adul, hadi, aj, qeelah, banyak lagi lah. they are pretty awesome. last wednesday and thursday we went lunch outside the college, on wednesday we had lunch at jollibee next to the bowling alley, then the next day after class we went to gadong, makan beramai2 hehe. it was the best time ever.

so i am so interested in accounts, like banar2 wah~ it was pretty good the way he teaches, explained and all, best of it yet, he was funny at some point. he made jokes. unlike the other three class lectures, business, law and economics. business nya 50/50 lah ah, for law my god! he talked so much on the first day, i think he might do that all the time LOL. both law and econs, kinda confusing a bit. so yeah..

now i'm back home, in kb, ani kan ready2 pastu beraya, so um, laters (:

Friday, September 17, 2010

purple boy. (:

she said. "baby mu loving you. "

he said, "i know my baby love me. "

she asked, "do you love your baby? "

he said, "i do love my baby. "

Awww~ thats sweet. ♥

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

would you have another chance?

if i just have the chance to be with you, i would appreciate that. i'm heartbroken, you're heartbroken, lets just be together.

gahhh.. why am i like this? seshhh.. guess i just wanna have you~

Saturday, September 11, 2010

wah ampauu! hahaha.

alhamdulillah ja, jangan luan happy :p my two days raya was awesome. tadi lah siuk, my cousins banyak datang. then we watchied 3 idiots, cerita kaling. muahaha~ cali jua lah, at some point. besok ke bandar, weheee~ :D

Thursday, September 9, 2010

selamat hari raya. maaf zahir dan batin. (:

wishing you people, a very good hari raya! (:
don't waste your raya money on those firecrackers :p
have a safe time, always. -bella j :D

another selamat hari raya? hehe.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010